- Through play, children can develop social and cognitive skills as well as develop emotional maturity!
- Learning through play during swimming lessons can allow children to process their emotions! Whether it be to decompress after their day or make sense of the skill they’re trying to learn.
- Learning through play gives the confidence to participate in new experiences, especially when they may be new to a class and not know anyone!
- Play is a natural way in which kids learn, curiosity comes easily!
- It brings an element of fun to learning and also allows children to make better connections while fundamental skills are being learnt!
- It increases engagement making it more likely that children will remember what they are being taught and be able to build on previous skills.
- Learning through play is key in the development of intellectual and social skills!
- It allows children to develop empathy when playing in groups and making friends!
- It is important to create an environment that children can use their imaginations and explore their creativity! Sometimes it just takes a little spark! We strive to create this optimum learning environment for our swimmers at every lesson.
In our lessons we use a scheme of work to ensure that a fully inclusive program which can at the appropriate times be games based, is being taught and children are always working towards the numerous learning objectives within their stage. We believe it is important for our swimmers to associate their learning with play to be able to thrive and get the most out of their swimming lessons.