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Safely Swimming Our Way Out of COVID!

6 February 2023

child with goggles on

We know that many of you will be apprehensive about returning to your normal activities and getting back to the poolside as pandemic restrictions begin to ease. We want to make sure that you feel safe about returning to our swim academy and have set out plenty of measures to do so! We also want to reassure you that even with these protocols in place, our lessons continue to provide enjoyment and progression for all swimmers.

Our main practice is social distancing. When it is easier to maintain a safe distance we are conducting out of the pool teaching. Our guidance also states that we can, as instructors, “nip in and out” to manually support a learner if required but this will be done either from behind or to the side of the learner, not face on.

Our venues are now operating with one way systems in place for getting in and out of the pool area.

We have multiple hand sanitising stations within venues. These are set up to be able to use on arrival, poolside and when leaving.

Some of our instructors choose to wear a visor whilst in the water teaching as an extra safety measure.

We have one person changing booths available for swimmers to use after their lesson is over, which are sanitised regularly.

We are asking all of our swimmers to arrive with their swimming gear on underneath clothes to minimise the time spent in the venue.

To reduce congestion start times have been staggered along with a 5 minute changeover period.

Please check out our video for our COVID-19 Protocols –

Having these protocols in place means that sometimes your lesson may look a bit different than before, for example, out of pool teaching. However, we want to assure you that this in no way means that the quality of the lesson is any different. We have invested heavily in the equipment that we use in the lessons such as the pool platforms and new buoyancy aids, this allows us to encourage more independence in the swimmers. The use of a buoyancy aid rather than us manually supporting can be as equally effective in progressing swimmers when used at the right time and in the right way.

You may also be concerned about how long it has been since your child has attended a lesson or even just been in a pool! They may have regressed in terms of skill, stroke efficiency, stamina or confidence. They may even be frightened about getting back into the water, but this is completely normal and even expected after such a long time. Our advice and reassurance to you is to allow them the time to settle back into the environment, get to know their instructor and their classmates – really just give them the opportunity to get a feel for their lessons again. Our priority is to ensure safety and enjoyment initially and then to build on previous knowledge and skills to achieve progress. This means that to begin with classes may be slightly slower paced but at this stage it is important for us to work with the learners pace to avoid overwhelming them and allow progression to come naturally. We are committed to the safety, progression and enjoyment of all our swimmers and will continuously strive to ensure that we are providing the best lessons to achieve this, no matter the circumstances.

We hope that this has calmed some of the worries you may be having in returning to the pool while also reassuring you that our lessons will maintain a high standard. We are excited to be welcoming back all of our swimmers and hope that you are too!

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